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    Registration Procedure

    1. The first step is to get 10 Individuals together who are desirous of forming a society.
    2. A Provisional committee should be formed and a chief promoter should be elected from amongst them.
    3. Name of the society has to be selected.
    4. An application to be made to the Registration Authority for reservation of name and letter to that effect has to be obtained confirming the reservation of name. The name once registered is valid for three months.
    5. The entrance fees and share capital has to be collected from the prospective members
    6. A bank account has to be opened in the name of proposed society as per the directions of the registration authority. The entrance fees and share money has to be deposited in the bank account and the certificate from the bank has to be obtained in that respect.
    7. The registration fees of Rs 2,500 has to be deposited with the Reserve Bank of India and receipted 1 challan there of is to be obtained.

    Documents Required

    The application for registration of the society should be submitted to the registrar if the societies of the concern municipal ward. The documents to be submitted for registration as follows:

    1. Application for registration of society in form A along with statement A enclosure to application for registration – 4 copies
    2. Information about proposed society in statement B.
    3. Information about promoter’s members of the proposed members of the Society.
    4. Statements of account as per – form D -2 copies.
    5. List of promoters members.
    6. Bank certificate.
    7. Detailed explanation of working of the society.
    8. 4 copies of proposed by -laws of the society
    9. Society building plans 2 copies.
    10. Proof of payment of registration charges.
    11. Other documents like affidavit, indemnity bond, any documents specified by the registrar also have to be submitted.
      1. Promoter’s affidavit on Rs 100/- stamp paper & notarized 1 copy.
      2. Affidavit from the chief promoter on stamp paper of Rs 100/-executed before the competent authority in form “y”.
      3. Certified true copy of agreement made on stamp paper and registered between the builder, promoter and purchaser of flat.
      4. Indemnity bond on Rs 100/- stamp paper & notarized 1 copy
    12. Letter of authority to granting permission to commence construction work/ completion certificate (if applicable)
    13. A letter of authority from such society authorizing the promoter to sign on behalf of society.
    14. Advocate search Report – 2 copies
    15. All these forms are available at your District co-operative housing society federation.
    16. On submission of above documents the DY/Asst. Registrar will go through the papers and documents will be corrected wherever necessary. When all papers are in order, he will issue order for Registration Certificate.
    17. If any deficiencies are found then the applicant will be inform accordingly and documents will be corrected wherever necessary. When all papers are in order, he will issue order for issue of registration certificate.

    List of kind of societies

    1. Thrift and Credit Co-operative Societies.
    2. Urban Co-operative Banks
    3. Industrial Co-operative Societies
    4. Labor & Construction Co-operative Societies
    5. Motor Transport Co-operative Societies

    Note: The above procedure is same for all cooperative societies.


    136C 1st Floor, Pocket-4
    Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110091

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