REGISTRATION UNDER FCRA​ (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act)

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    Application for Registration

    An application for registration of an organization for acceptance of foreign contribution shall be made electronically on-line in Form FC-3, and shall be followed by forwarding the hard copy of the on-line application duly signed by the Chief Functionary of the association.

    Documents Required:

    1. Form FC-8 duly filled up in triplicate.
    2. Copy of registration certificate of society or trust deed as the case may be
    3. Copy of PAN of the Society/Trust
    4. Certified copy of the Trust Deed/Bye-laws / MOA and Rules & Regulations.
    5. Copy of certificates of exemption u/s. 80G and 12A.
    6. Copies of the audited statements of accounts for the last three years
    7. Copies of the annual report specifying activities of past five years.
    8. Copy of Bank Statement of Last 3 years or from inception
    9. Copy of any prior permission granted to the organization.
    10. Copy of resolution of Governing Body, authorizing the registration under FCRA.
    11. Copy of Power of Attorney or the resolution of Governing Body by which the Chief Functionary is authorized to submit FC-8.
    12. Copy of any Journal or other publication
    13. Detail of the beneficiaries and detail of the socio-economic factors of the region in which the NGO is working.
    14. If the association is having any parent or sister or subsidiary organization, which is registered under the FCRA then the registration number along with Ministry of Home Affairs file number should be mentioned.
    15. If the association has submitted any application earlier then its reference number should be mentioned.
    16. If the association has received any foreign contribution with or without the prior approval of the Central Government, then the detail should be given.
    17. List and geographical detail of the state, and districts proposed for work.
    18. List of present governing body (Name, Father’s Name, Occupation, Designation and Address)
    19. Name of the Chief functionary and his Mobile Number
    20. Telephone Number of the office
    21. Further all the above documents may necessary on original format if demand made by Income tax Department
    22. List of Main objects and definite programs for which the contribution is to be accepted / utilized.

    The hard copy of the on-line application shall reach the Central Government within thirty days of the submission of the on-line application, failing which the request of the organization shall be deemed to have ceased.

    Any organization whose request has ceased may make a fresh on-line application with the Central Government only after six months from the date of cessation of the previous application. A registered merchant is required to submit GST returns under the GST that generally include:

    An organization seeking registration shall be required to open an exclusive bank account to receive the foreign contribution. The organization may open one or more accounts in one or more banks for the purpose of utilizing the foreign contribution after it has been received and, in all such cases, intimation on plain paper shall be furnished to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs New Delhi, within fifteen days of the opening of any account.


    136C 1st Floor, Pocket-4
    Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110091

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